Home Management And Care Givers Sector Skill Council(HMCGSSC)
Home Management And Care Givers Sector Skill Council(HMCGSSC) is a Section 8 Not for Profit company registered under the Companies Act, 2013 working under the aegis of Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) and National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). HMCGSSC is an apex body complementing the Govt. of India’s efforts for skilling 400 million workforce and is on a mission to create sustainable livelihood for one of the largest growing informal sectors of work and provide them with dignity of labour for their contribution to their own families, households they support and to the GDP.
In India’s unorganized sectors which constitute nearly 93% of the economy, the domestic workers constitute one of the largest segments vaguely estimated between 4.75 to 25 million, albeit among the poorest, disorganized and often exploited.